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PEOPLE > Gualtiero Volpe

PhD, researcher, software engineer

He was born in Genova on March 24th, 1974. He received his degree in computer engineering from the University of Genova in 1999 with a thesis on agent software architectures for multimedia applications. He obtained his PhD in June 2003 with a dissertation on computational models of expressive gesture in multimedia systems. In particular, research focused on models and algorithms for expressive content analysis and processing in human-full body movement. Research outcomes have been applied to the design and development of real-time interactive multimedia systems employed in many public events and installations.

His research interests include multimodal interactive systems, intelligent and expressive human-machine interaction, modeling and real-time analysis and synthesis of expressive content in music and dance, KANSEI information processing and expressive gesture communication.

He is researcher at the InfoMus Lab. He participated to national and European research projects on interactive multimedia systems and multimodal interfaces at the InfoMus Lab. In the EU-IST project MEGA (2000-2003) he coordinated as work-package leader research on expressive content in human full-body movement. He also contributed to the definition of the general conceptual framework of the project and to the requirements and the design of the MEGA System Environment (the main output of the project). He also participated to the EU TMR MOSART (2000-2003) network and to the EU IST project CARE-HERE (2001-2002) on multimedia techniques for therapy and rehabilitation. He was coordinator of a CNR (Italian National Research Council) project for young researchers on "Methods for analysis of expressiveness in human movement for Virtual Environment applications" (2000-2001).

He is currently mainly involved in the EU IST project TAI-CHI (2003-2006). He is also involved in the EU IST Networks of Excellence HUMAINE (2003-2007) and ENACTIVE (2003-2007), and in the EU-IST Coordinated Action S2S2 (2004-2007).

He participated to the design of both the scientific and technical aspects of several interactive installations by the InfoMus Lab (e.g., Arti Visive, Genova, 1998; L'Ala dei Sensi, Ferrara, 1999; demos at the EU-IST booth at the International Broadcasting Convention IBC2001, Amsterdam; concert and installation in the framework of the New York University Music and Dance Program in Italy, Genova, 2003).

He was co-chair of the 5th Intl. Gesture Workshop (Genova, April 15-17, 2003) and he is co-editor with Antonio Camurri of the book "Gesture-based Communication in Human-Computer Interaction", Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence, no.2915, Springer Verlag, 2004. He is guest editor of a special issue of the Journal of New Music Research (Swetz&Zeitlinger Publishers, The Netherlands) on "Expressive Gesture in Performing Arts and New Media".

He is member of the Board of Directors of AIMI (Italian Computer Music Association).

A list of some main recent publications can be found here.
Gualtiero Volpe's Ph.D. dissertation on computational models of expressive gesture in multimedia systems can be downloaded here (about 2.7 Mb).