software developer, system administration
He is an IT consultant and student in Computer Engineering; he has developed Pytheas Navigator, an AFF navigator (see force field metaphor) for the HARP system, and, together with Alberto Massari, Sound'n'Motion, a gesture/movement extraction/recognition software used in the V-Scope project. He is now involved in software development and system administration for the Lab and for various projects. In this picture he can be seen testing hardware and software when developing the V-Scope project.
A.Camurri, R.Chiarvetto, A.Massari, R.Rossi: "The HARP/V-Scope Interactive Dance Music System", Proc. of XI Colloquium on Musical Informatics XI-CIM-95, Bologna.
A.Camurri, R.Chiarvetto, et al: "Toward Kansei evaluation of movement and gesture in music/dance interactive multimodal environments", Proc. of the 1997 Kansei Workshop, Genova